There is less than a month left before the inauguration of the new elected US president, and now few people remember the course of the campaign. However, the results of the elections that were held in November are important to be deeply analyzed, given the morbidity of the vast majority of the Ukrainian Facebook community with Bidenism. It is surprising why so many of our compatriots, who only 30 years ago came out of the Soviet yoke, so avidly supported Kamala Harris, who openly proposed introducing socialist and Marxist ideas into American society? What were Harris's agitators worth, who walked with the flags of the USSR and the attributes of "Marxist heroes" (Che Guevara, Marx, Lenin). Well, it is okay for Americans who do not know what it really was, but Ukrainians?
Regarding the US elections, the most interesting questions were those two related to the preparation for the election campaign of the Trump team:
- Will the Trump team be able to solve the problem of the total dominance of left-wing or "pro-Democrat" media resources and social networks, which, as is already known, were constantly censored under Biden?
- Will the Trump team be able to solve the problem of rigging and falsification of voting results by opponents on election day, which were held in 2020?
Analyzing the election results and various interesting data in the open access, it can be concluded that the Trump team managed to professionally prepare for the elections and neutralize the "schticks" of opponents that they used in the last campaign.
Regarding the first point, Musk played the main role here, and not because he is the most successful entrepreneur in the United States today; not because he was giving cash prizes for those who would come to vote, trying to mobilize voters. Musk's main contribution to the Trump campaign is his acquisition of the social network Twitter (X) in 2022. This - and its transformation from a left-wing censored platform into a free for any content, the platform became a condition for the return to this community of pro-Trump forces, which later forced other social networks to weaken censorship, especially in favor of left-wing content, and thereby contributed to the development of freedom of speech.
As for traditional media, of course, their influence is still present, but only on its permanent audience. Unlike social networks, media are no longer able to expand the circle of viewers and readers on a large scale. Their only task in elections is to retain an ideologically relevant audience, with an inevitable decrease in the audience share in the future.
What did the pro-democracy media clearly demonstrate in these elections, engaging in outright propaganda, rather than objective coverage of events (the difference between propaganda and coverage is the presentation of one or 2-3 opinions). By the way, the vast majority of Ukrainian media and channels on social networks regularly posted such "American news", embedding them in the information space of Ukraine, disregarding any journalistic standards and ethics. Why, if Ukrainians are not supposed to vote in those elections?
Our consumers of information content generally know little about the second point, and few experts paid attention to it, though it would be worth paying attention to.
In 2020, the Trump team was not ready for manipulation during the vote by the Biden team. Hundreds of videos that were shot at polling stations by Trump supporters, where Biden representatives provided the opportunity to vote to undocumented migrants, or during the counting brought some left-wing ballots and added them to their candidate, or simply brazenly transferred them from one pack to another, were not accepted by the courts, especially in states controlled by Democrats. Added to this was the incomprehensible scheme with mail-in voting, which was not subject to control at all. All this together gave Biden an advantage.
This time, the Trump team chose a different and more effective way. It was better to prevent possible fraud than to try to challenge it later. And they succeeded. First of all, by introducing voting at the polling station only with an ID card. A simple solution, but it became key, especially in those states where the support of both candidates was at the level of 50/50. This mandatory condition was only implemented in those states where there is Republican influence, but even this turned out to be enough. The number of voters by mail also decreased, in addition, Trump's representatives at the polling stations were better prepared and understood what to expect and what to do in emergency situations. Probably, the legal service of the Trump team and those who were responsible for election day paid considerable attention to this, which helped ensure victory. Finally, let us look at some interesting maps and graphs that were captured in the information flow in the media and social networks in the first days after the vote.
The first graph shows the number of people who voted in the last US presidential election.
Experts will tell you that the 2020 vote was anomalous. Political scientists will start looking for some extraneous reasons a la “a comet flew by,” while political strategists will only note that one team managed to achieve its goal, even if it had to rig the results. The measures described above also helped restore natural turnout in presidential elections.
Note that fewer people voted for Trump this year than in 2020. By the way, where did the votes for the Democratic Party representative go? Or maybe there were none at all? If we assume that Harris's team also managed to implement voting manipulations like with Biden, then it turns out that an indecently small number of voters voted for her at all.
The second map shows in which states voting is allowed using documents other than an ID card or without a document at all. Where such voting is allowed, Harris won.
The third map shows the election results in each state, and the fourth in each county (something like our territorial communities). As you can see, Trump's advantage over Harris is more than convincing.
These things confirm the thesis that correctly drawn conclusions from the previous campaigns, early preparation for the election day may not be a guarantee of victory, but you will be confident in the veracity of the voting results. The Trump team demonstrated that it is better to act in advance than to try to establish justice later, especially in a hostile environment.
Traditional media is gradually losing its audience, which is being taken over by social networks. Therefore, it is free social networks that are a guarantee of access to your voter, even if the media is not on your side or is working against you at all. Therefore, it is extremely important not to give the authorities the opportunity, under any pretext, to censor and control social networks.