Declaration of International Liberty Institute

We, the founders, patrons, experts, and supporters of the International Liberty Institute (ILI) are united by the philosophy and practice of Liberty. It is the basis of both personal and the country’s well-being and success. We understand liberty as a state where a person has the right to lead their life as they want, provided that they respect the equal rights of others and do not interfere in their lives.

We present our worldview, valuable Decalogue. We are together because:

we are convinced of the fundamental human right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness;

we are sure that the human right to life is guaranteed through the institution of private property, the freedom of choice and responsibility of each person for it, the implementation of the principles of separation of powers, the presumption of innocence and integrity of the entrepreneur;

we consider the Excessive State, represented by politicians, bureaucrats, controlling and law enforcement structures, state enterprises to be the main source of crises, structural imbalances, unemployment, ecological disasters, inequality, injustice, discrimination, poverty and military conflicts;

we stand for the model of a Small state, in which the majority, through democratic institutions, has no right to limit the freedom of voluntary exchange of citizens, to impose only the state model of risk management on people. Every citizen has the right to defend their property by all means, including weapons;

we insist on the necessity of separation of political and economic power: an Individual is engaged in commercial activity, a Civil servant provides services for a citizen to protect their life and property;

we offer Ukraine, developing countries and transition countries systemic solutions to ensure rapid, long-term economic growth based on economic liberty, open competition, a model of entrepreneurial development within the framework of the international system of labor division;

we recognize that an Individual within the limits of their private property creates a positive motivation for the development of their family, community, and country. The motivation of other people's property disposers (politicians, officials, security forces) does not lead to the harmony of interests in society, but generates corruption, discrimination and injustice;

we support the culture of constructive dialogue based on facts, real life phenomena, as well as the principles of objectivity and scientificity;

we stand for equality of opportunity, but not equalization of incomes, justice in relations between people, but not "social (global) justice", compassion and solidarity, as a manifestation of cordiality and humanity, but not as a compulsion to pay progressive taxes and fees;

we believe in the benevolence, decency, responsibility of an individual, their ability to plan their future in the economic function of a consumer, an entrepreneur, or an owner of capital.

We are together because we want to create a free, prosperous, competitive Ukraine with more than 50 million happy citizens.

We are together because we want to build our country on the basis of real scientific knowledge, the best world experience, respecting cultural, religious and creative diversity.

We are together because Ukraine is the home of our children and grandchildren, because it is a tribute to our ancestors, a contribution to the future of our descendants.

We are together, because Liberty will not protect itself.

We create knights and heroes of the Ukrainian and world Liberty Movement.


Financing of the Institute is provided by patrons and all those who seek the development of the ideas of liberty in Ukraine and the world.

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