Economic Security
The orange level of the National Economic Security, in which Ukraine is currently located, is a natural result of many years of "activity" of the State. What prevents the rapid development of a country with such high potential?
All talks about economic development have no meaning without discussing the basis on which it will lean in this turbulent world full of military-political threats and foreign antagonistic interests. However, the truth is that there is too much talk instead of concrete proposals. ILI is trying to fill this gap, presenting for the first time in the years of independence to Ukraine a full-fledged Concept of Economic Security, which is based on the analysis of dozens of parameters, independent analysis and a scientific approach, offering a fundamentally different approach. This is the fundamental difference between this Concept and dozens of others, either created on the basis of the needs of the post-Soviet nomenclature or the newest oligarchy, the requirements of foreign credit or grant funds that sponsor budget programs, or the product of scientific and analytical institutions at the service of successive followers of the general interventionist state.
"The main internal threat to the economy is the Government itself." - the key thesis of the Concept of National Security of Ukraine.Share
- "Today, the quality of Ukraine's public administration institutions, their functionality and mode of operation does not allow ensuring high, long-term rates of economic growth and development. Legal, economic and financial institutions of Ukraine lose in terms of quality to similar institutions of our competing countries."
- “…the main documents of the Government of Ukraine, adopted in 2023-2024, including the "Plan for the Ukraine Facility 2024-2027", are built on the principles of the mission economy/MOIP, according to the models of the state model of general interventionism. International organizations, consulting companies and development agencies, in a whole series of publications, pushed the Ukrainian authorities to make such a choice."
Concept of Economic Security of Ukraine, 2024Economic security of Ukraine is created on the foundation of personal and economic freedom, the rule of law and integration into the European and global system of division of labor.Share
- Where to read the Concept? In the pdf file below, or in the section “Research”
- How did we define the Index? Full information is on the page “Economic Security Index”
- Do you have questions? Do you want more information? We are inviting you to online broadcast of the Concept and Index Presentation.

Natalia Slyusar
The editor-in-chief of the website of the International Freedom Institute, manager of media projects. She has many years of experience in the media as a manager, journalist and consultant, as well as a CEO in business projects. She specializes in promoting the ideas and philosophy of AES in the media.

Yaroslav Romanchuk
A well-known Ukrainian and Belarusian economist, popularizer of the Austrian economic school in the post-Soviet space. He specializes in reforms in transitional economies in the post-socialist space.
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